April 13, 2009

"Pesan ibu saya, kita kena fikir positif kalau nak cepat sembuh."

It was easily the most beautiful feeling to be able to see the smiles upon the faces of these strong, beautiful children as I handed them the prints of their portrait photos.

The University Hospital held an event for children with cancer, the Perhimpunan Sosial Pediatrik Onkologi ke-7.

Alhamdulillah I had the opportunity to be part of a good cause, and most importantly, the children were happy. No words could describe just how much these children have touched my heart. I was in constant attempt of holding back my tears throughout the event. They may seem small, but their hearts are big. And so are their strength, their optimism, their yearning to live.

Alhamdulillah I met these beautiful souls. I hope I can change their world as much as they have changed mine.

P/S - Many thanks to Han Ghazi for giving me the opportunity to be part of this cause. You've done an amazing job with such a big heart. :-)


  1. take my picture, and make me immortal!

    Seven by Roy

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. eh, let me add 'hahaha'.


    Seven by Roy

  4. aww...i missed it..u didnt invite me! waaaaa~!!! T_____T
